brian david roberts


The vast majority of homeowners are essentially forced to align their lives to the layout and structure within their homes...this is alarmingly backward.  Let's design the spaces to align with how you WISH to live.

“brian was the perfect choice for us.”

— fred j.

“hiring brian was the smartest thiing we did for our remodel”

— charles b.

how it all began.

The Origin Story

Cohorts in life, collaborators in business.

At 12 years old I determined that I was to be an architect.  I read The Fountainhead, practiced drawing in perspectives, even trained myself to write in all-caps like architects did.  Repeatedly drawing houses and buildings for fun, I imagined how people would work, live and move within these forms.  In high school, along with drafting and drawing courses, I sacrificed half of each school day in an intensive off-site course, Home Building Construction, where we worked alongside an instructor, building a home from raw land to sale.  That was invaluable…to fathom structure and fabrication helped with design & possibility in dramatic ways. 



Years later, a serendipitous epiphany uncloaked a promising means of combining the two disciplines...”

Virginia is a medium-format film photographer savvy in observing and capturing the grandeur and ethos within any environment...and yes, nearly all photos on this website are hers.  She cooly and expertly wears a multitude of hats, providing graphic design, web design, marketing, photography (obviously) and so much more.  Incidentally, she also imparts invaluable experience obtained as a successful team leader for an international skin care corporation.

*Creativity and entrepreneurship abound in the Roberts clan: Belén, our precocious daughter, is a phenomenal film photographer in her own right, providing incredible fashion-world type portraiture for her clientele.

brian & virginia 

Charging into college I soon became disenchanted with what architecture really appeared to be…glorified drafting.  Where was the functional design?   How did we align the space to the user?   Where were the layout philosophies?  How to consult and proffer real information that allowed clients to make confident choices? 

Architecture simply isn’t what I thought it was. 

After a painstaking search I transferred to another university in the Industrial Design program.  I reveled in the freedom to design product and furniture that made people happy using them.   Despite being immersed within this intoxicating design perspective, I still harbored a fascination for my long-held idea of architecture.  Years later, a serendipitous epiphany uncloaked a promising means of combining the two disciplines, ultimately morphing my love of space, structure & ergonomics into an unprecedented design model and philosophy that profoundly improves the lives of homeowners within their domains.  

This purposeful journey includes a period of design & sales within several high-end cabinetry firms, partnering with myriad contractors and trades, while forging our incredible company into what it is today…a hard-fought and highly rewarding 23 year adventure!  

he Creates

chocolate smoothies

is their  band


she brews fresh


is the game he dominates


ella vivi en


resides in both their camera bags

   nikon f3